How our eating habits are hurting the planet.

What’s the issue?

As a planet, we are currently “eating our way to extinction.” The many food industries of the world are abusing the world’s limited resources for personal and financial gain. Fishing industries are over-fishing, releasing dangerous and toxic chemicals into the water, damaging coral reefs, and overall, absolutely decimating ocean biodiversity.

Meat and Beef industries are destroying forests, destroying habitats, using toxic chemicals, producing extreme methane emissions, and again, killing the land’s biodiversity. 77% of global land used for agriculture is land for animal agriculture.

Over 26,000 species are threatened by extinction and the most driving factor is the use of land for agriculture. This is the effect of our eating habits. This rate of decimation will run our planet into the ground.


The single greatest cause of deforestation is animal agriculture, and by 2030, at this rate, only 10% of the world’s forest will remain.

Meat Industry

The process of meat cultivation causes 20% of the whole planet’s greenhouse emissions, which is more than all of the world’s car, truck, plane, and ship emissions combined.

Aquaculture and Fishing

The leading cause of marine life extinction is overfishing and bycatch, followed by Pollution of pesticides and other chemicals from fish farming that leak into the ocean.

“The Earth is a fine place and worth fighting for.”

— Ernest Hemingway


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