Make a Difference!

Change starts with you

Change starts with you

What we do as individuals can make all the difference in the world. Our personal actions matter more than most realize, because together, we influence our systems. What you do to help make a difference can influence others to do the same, and together we can change the world we live in for the better.

For Change in Agriculture

• Eat organically and locally: Join your local CSA, shop at farmer’s markets in your area

• Volunteer with or donate to sustainable farms: find one near you at

Start a home garden: Keep away from unsustainable practices of commercial farming and agriculture as a whole

For Change in the Meat Industry

• Switch to a plant based diet: There are many substitutes for meat products with even more nutrition and similar taste. The world adapting a plant based diet would reduce the amount of land required  to produce our food by 3.1 billion hectares, which is roughly the size of the entire continent of Africa

• Cut dairy and other animal products: reduce your impact through substituting animal products and not engaging in unsustainable practices

• Support companies and organizations working against the meat industry: Companies like Impossible and Beyond both provide good options for plant-based “meats.” Organizations like the Reducitarian Foundation at give you good resources and direction for sustainable eating

For Change in Aquaculture and Fishing 

• Buy certified sustainable seafood: Look for the blue fish label on seafood in stores that trace back to sustainable fishing

• Cut fish/seafood from your diet: Move away from unsustainable practices as to not support them

• Donate to sustainable fisheries and organizations: The SFP at and the ISSF at