Meat Industry

What is the meat industry doing to the planet?

What is the meat industry doing to the planet?

One of the greatest reasons for climate change is the demand for meat products. Meat production is responsible for nearly 15% of the global greenhouse gas emissions.

The production of meat is an insanely inefficient process. For perspective, a whole 1,846 gallons of water is required to make just 1 pound of beef, and about 1,000 gallons are needed to produce the meat of a single chicken. Acres upon acres of land are needed to raise and feed these animals for the slaughter. It takes more than it is worth. Meat isn’t even a very sufficient source of nutrition to begin with. Only 33% of global protein intake comes from meat and dairy. So for several reasons, the production of meat is highly unethical.

Another danger of the meat industry is the waste. These animals produce way more waste than us, a pig produces 10x more excrement than a human does. Production facilities produce more than they know what to do with, and that waste often ends up in places it shouldn’t be. It pollutes the water, the air, the soil, and can spread disease and cause pandemic. It is not just dirty, but harmful and unsafe.